Thursday, December 9, 2010

And today was a day just like any other...

I woke up this morning and as usual, went to class and work. Since today was the last day of classes, I thought I could beat the lines and sell back the books I knew I wouldn't need to study for finals. After work, I headed over to Bucks for Books to see what I could get. Something about me is I usually always lock my truck door behind me. Also, I always worry that I am gonna lock my keys in my truck. I knew it would happen eventually, but I didn't think it would be today! Anyways... as I arrived at my destination, I took out my keys, put them on the seat, and gathered all my books. Now, I don't even remember locking the door because it is such a habit; however, as I came back out to my dismay the door was locked and my keys were inside the cab on the seat where I left them. My initial thought was that this could NOT be happening, but then my keys began laughing at me! (Well, not really laughing, but I felt like they were!) Gratefully, I called up my best friend Olivia and she came and picked me up, I went and got my spare keys, and was able to get the door unlocked!

Something should be said about these spare keys. They have NEVER worked before. In my time of desperation, I decided that I would try anyways. I told myself that maybe God will love me a little more today and help me get in. As we pulled up to my truck, I said to Liv, let's have faith and keep a prayer in our hearts that these keys will work. I put the key in and as smooth as butter I turned the lock, and Viola! I was in!! I realized after that the Lord just didn't love me a little extra today, but loves me a lot everyday!!! I am not sure why, but as soon as I got in, I looked to the sky and shouted thanks! It seems silly that I would look to the sky I know, but I wanted Him to know I was thankful and could never had done it without Him. It's a comforting feeling to know that the Lord is always there even when I make silly mistakes.

"God helps me- that's what I think and then I am calm"

-Carl Bloch